In the year of 2015 when users had a new demand for the width of mountain rims, expecting a wider mountain rim to install 3.0" or wider tires, we developed the Jungle Fox series. The designe of Jungle Fox series borrowed from Black Eagle rim design concept, the cross section is a stable support structure of a triangle, this design has great support for the strength of the ultra-wide rim. In the second year, we improved the Jungle Fox and increased the thickness of the rim lip to 3.5mm, the strength is further improved. The performance and aesthetics have reached an unprecedented fusion. Thus Jungle Fox II has become the most classic Plus mountain bike rim series.
The weight of model NXT27JF52 is 510g. The profile drawing of this rim is as below.

This rim could be used for Trail, Enduro and Freeride riding. The tire size for this model of rim is recommended at 2.6" ~ 3.8". The tire pressure is recommended at 25 ~ 50 psi.