BA Power Diesel Driven Generator 1000kva

Top sale BA Power UKKMS diesel generator 1000 kva

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The 23th Xiamen Industry and ElectriElectronic Commodities Fair with a  a perfect curtain call after 4 days exhibition(Apr 12th -15th,2019) hold on  Xiamen International Convention and Exhibition Center,we get good reputation from customer, and customer interested in our UKKMS diesel generators.

For now the market full of Cummins, Perkins, Our UKKMS is a new brand and new choice for customer, we will keep on our high quality products for customer, UKKMS register in UK, produce in China, if you would like to have one other brand for customer choose, our UKKMS diesel generator is your best choice.We will support you on high quality products with competitive price, if you have the ineteresting with our UKKMS diesel generator, welcome to contact us at any time.


UKKMS attracts the attention of manufacturers all over the world with high-tech products such as world-class high-denomination diesel generator sets. UKKMS stands out in the fierce market competition with its clear market positioning – focusing on the luxury market, specializing in private custom high-end market, and at the same time stand out with its excellent product quality.


UKKMS Engine and UKKMS Alternator

UKKMS engine and alternator which are produced by Gongtai(Xiamen) New Energy Co., Ltd, a joint venture between Chinese and Maylaysia shareholder, being responsible for the manufacture of UKKMS Engine and the assembly of the diesel generator sets with all related accessoires.

UKKMS generator sets 200kw to 500kw

Below is the power and model that we supply for the UKKMS generator set, if you need on any power on it, we all can supply. Just to contact us at any time.

Genset Model Prime Power   Standby Power  Engine Model Fuel Consumption Displacement Genset Dimension Weight
KW KVA KW KVA (L/h) (L) L*W*H(mm) (kg)
BA69 50  63 55 69 UK333-G1 19.6  5.9  2200×860×1460 1120
BA76 55  69 61 76 UK333-G2 22.3  5.9  2200×860×1460 1350
BA83 60  75 66 83 UK333-G3 24.5  5.9  2300×860×1563 1760
BA97 70  88 77 97 UK333-GA 29.9  8.3  2400×860×1606 1920
BA110 80  100 88 110 UK333-G5 37.9  8.3  2400×860×1606 2130
BA125  90  113 100 125 UK333-G6 48.5  14.0  3000×980×1760 2600
BA138 100  125 110 138 UK333-G7 48.5  14.0  3000×980×1760 2600
BA165  120  150 132 165 UK333-G8 53.3  14.0  3100×1180×1760 2900
BA206  150  188 165 206 UK333-G9 60.6  14.0  3100×980×1760 2900
BA228 165  206 182 228 UK333-G10 63.0  14.0  3100×1080×1760 2950
BA234 170  213 187 234 UK333-G11 63.0  14.0  3100×1080×1760 2950
BA275  200  250 220 275 UK555-G1 76.8  14.0  3300×1380×1850 3250
BA344 250  313 275 344 UK555-G2 88.9  18.9  3400×1250×1970 3500
BA400 290  363 320 400 UK555-G3 98.8  18.9  3400×1250×1970 3650
BA413 300  375 330 413 UK555-GA 98.8  18.9  3400×1250×1970 3650
BA440 320  400 352 440 UK555-G5 98.8  18.9  3400×1250×1970 3700
BA454 330  413 363 454 UK555-G6 98.8  18.9  3400×1250×1970 3800
BA481 350  438 385 481 UK555-G7 100.3  18.9  3700×1550×1940 4000
BA495 360  450 396 495 UK555-G8 100.3  18.9  3700×1550×1940 4000
BA550 400  500 440 550 UK666-G1 107.5  18.9  3750×1960×2360 4200
BA578 420  525 462 578 UK666-G2 119.9  18.9  3700×1550×1940 4300
BA650 470  588 520 650 UK666-G3 120.3  19.0  3700×1550×1940 4500
BA688 500  625 550 688 UK666-GA 122.9  19.0  4300×1700×2360 8300
BA743 540  675 594 743 UK666-G5 135.7  37.8  4450×1700×2360 8650
BA825 600  750 660 825 UK666-G6 142.6  37.8  4450×1700×2360 8400
BA880 640  800 704 880 UK666-G7 148.5  37.8  4450×1700×2360 8400
BA1000 720  900 800 1000 UK777-G2 155.1  38.0  4450×1700×2360 8650
BA1100 800  1000 880 1100 UK777-G3 175.4  37.8  4450×1700×2360 8700

We promise on that what we supply on the generating set is brand new, and we give customer the warranty in 1 year or 1000hours whichever comes first.


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